Friday, January 3, 2014


Oleh kerana kami berdua adik beradik sayang kepada harta tersebut, maka kami bersetuju mengenkalkan nya untuk diwaqafkan kapada anak cucu kami.
Dan saya, Abdullah. hanya memiliki harta rumah itu sahaja sekarang, tidak saperti kanda Zaibidah.
Mula-mula dahulu pada awal tahun 2013 bersetuju nak menerima bayaran RM30 ribu, dan kemudian lot tanah tersebut ditukarkan nama kapada saya.
Beberap bulan kemudian bertukar fikiran  nak bina rumah sederhana berasinggan dikawasan belakang dibiayai oleh kerajaan berharga RM60 ribu. 
Dan terakhir juga terkini kedengaran daripada Pak Teh Hashim bersetuju membayar untuk rumah tersebut kapada saya sebanyak RM50 ribu. 
Satelah saya berfikir dan merenung elak dan cantik sekali kalau rumah tersebut di waqafkan, dan wang tersebut ( tak sampai 50 pun dan ianya diantara 30 ke 40 ribu ) dibelanjakan untuk penambahbaikan kapada rumah tersebut dengan satu atau dua bilik lagi dengan bilik mandi dan tandas serta satu tempat sembahyang, store dan bilik tenggah dipecahkan untuk pembesaran bilik makan (dining) - sekarang sempit. Itu kalau nak dibelanjakan dan kalau tidak bagi pehak saya tetap mewaqafkan rumah tersebut sebagai mana zaibidah mewaqafkan tanah tersebut kapada adik beradik nya yang tiada tanah dan rumah untuk dibina sebelum ini.

Buat masa sekarang anak cucu kami tiada seorang pun tinggal dikampong kecuali Faisal, dan itu pun kerana beliau masih bekerja di Terengganu, dan dalam proses pembelian rumah sendiri. Sekarang ini beliau dan keluarga nya menetap dirumah tersebut dan menjaga nya. Dan
akan berpindah sewa quaters pada bulan Feb. 2014 no. telipun 0199732273. Dan saya, isteri dan anak bungsu kami Izzah kadang-kadang berulang alik tinggal menumpang dirumah anak anak di Putrajaya dan Terengganu sementara sisa sisa hidup kami maseh ada.
Berikut number telipun saya 0139122687, isteri Rohani 0139550752 dan anak saudara Kamal Shafie 0139029717 sekiranya nak bermalam dirumah tersebut untuk kunci rumah.

Anggap lah rumah tersebut itu sebagai rumah tumpanggan "Hotel"atau Rest House atau HomeStay atau sebagai nya. Semua anak cucu boleh tinggal disana bila balik kampung atau melawat Terengganu.

Untuk penggentahuan, bila tinggal dirumah tersebut satu ekor biayak masuk kedalam atas siling dan kadang kadang berbunya saperti orang berjalan kaki dan sekarang masih ada, dan empat tahun lepas kami telah meracun nya hingga mati dan berbahu busuk, selepas itu tiada bunyi apa apa lagi, dan setahun kemudian seekor lain masuk lagi hingga sekarang.
Ini berlaku bukan rumah itu sahaja bahkan rumah rumah jiran yang ada siling pun suka biayak memasuki nya, mungkin kerana keadaan sentiasa gelap.
Pemberitahuan ini bertujuan jangan anggap sesuatu "superstitious" saperti berhantu atau apa apa. Walau macam mana pun kami cuba membunuh nya.

Saya bila berfikir tentang hidup "life" dan merenungkan nya kenapa adik beradik kami sebelah lelaki bila umur sampai ambang senja atau tua tiada seorang pun memiliki harta, hatta abang kami yang tertua arwah Ahmad Shukri pun tiada apa pun peninggalan nya, pada hal mempunyai pendapatan lumayan RM25 ribu sebulan. Bapa kami sendiri Hj.Ibrahim bila meninggal tiada sekeping bidang tanah pun peninggalan nya pada hal waktu muda dia diantara terbanyak harta tanah air dikampung.
Dan saya sendiri ada mempunyai tiga buah rumah di K.Lumpur seketika dahulu walau pun kecil dan murah - satu di Subang Jaya Flat section 19, satu di Setapak Jaya tiga tingkap rumah murah dan satu lagi apartment rampai court Wangsa Maju, semuanya habis.
Abang Shamsudin pada tahun 1964 bergaji RMI ribu lebeh sebulan dan saya menumpang hidup dengan nya mula mula datang belajar di K.Lumpur dahulu, dia memiliki kereta sport sunbeam alphine open air, hanya segelintir yang mampu memiliki nya.
Waktu itu  kerani kerajaan bergaji hanya RM137.50 sen sebulan dan kerani bank RM220.
Dan lain lain saperti Ab.Rahman, Mohd. dan Ab.Ghani, Zulkifli dan Sulaiman, juga arwah abang Shafie pun sama nasibnya.
Tidak dinafikan pengaruh keturunan memain peranan besar dalam hidup. Sebab itu nabi kita MOHAMMAD sws berpesan salah satu perkara latar belakang yang harus kita memilih untuk mencari judoh ialah KETURUNAN.  Saya sentiasa berdoa kapada ALLAH swt. janganlah ianya turun- menurun kapada anak-cucu kami.

Yang demikian sesiapa diantara kita dan anak-anak cucu yang hidup mewah dan berlebehan cuba lah derma untuk penambahbaikan kapada harta tersebut sebagaimana dinyatakan diatas demi untuk anak cucu kita.
Sila click disini untuk melihat sekali lagi rumah dan kawasannya.


Kami: Abdullah bin Haji Ibrahim k/p no. 460107 11 5199 dan Zaibidah binti Haji Ibrahim k/p no. 430901 11 5156 dengan ini bersetuju mewaqafkan harta kami beralamat no. 37, Kg. Pak Madah, Bukit Payong, 21400 Terengganu  sebuah rumah dan tanah yang kami miliki bersama untuk anak - cucu kami.

Kami bersama ini dengan relahati dan berikrar dengan sesungguhnya harta tersebut diwaqafkan kapada anak-cucu kami.

Sila click link ini untuk melihat sebab sebab kami bersetuju mewaqafkan

Untuk melihat rumah tersebut disebelah dalam dan luar saperti dibawah ini:

Pandangan disebelah luar:

Kawasan lapan dibelakang rumah
(Pandangan dalam rumah)

Dewan tetamu

Dewan keluarga


Dindin yg elak dipecah untuk pembesaran dapur dan
dibelakangnya bilik ketiga diduduki oleh Faisal & keluarga.

Bilik tidur hadapan
Bilik tidur belakang

Kisah Hidup Ku Dengan Kakak Hjh. Zaibidah (Ringkasan) 1970 - 1980

1970 - 1980
Satelah ibu kami meninggal dunia tahun 1955 melahir anak bongsu Ab.Ghani kehidupan kami melarat dan berpecah. Saya mengikuti abang-abang berpindah ke Bt. Besi, Dungun. Di situlah mula mengenal berus dan ubat gigi. Dan bermulalah pendedahan kapada dunia modern. Ketika itu B. Besi ada lah sebuah daerah autonomi ia itu pemerentahan sendiri dilindunggi dibawah undang undang negara, dengan ada provision store, cinama, clubs, zoo sendiri, dan sebagainya. Pekerjanya segelintir British dan luar daripada Terengganu tetapi kebanyakkan nya Bumiputra tempatan. Ia merupakan punca pendapatan Negeri Terengganu terbesar dan kalau sekarang boleh dibandingkan hasil minyak Petronas.

Pada tahun 1958 saya balik dan sambung belajar di K.Terengganu memasuki sekolah arab Sekolah Sultan Zainal Abidin.
Pada 1963 menduduki pepereksaan L.C.E. sama sekarang dengan S.R.P. dan tahun sama menggambil pepereksaan Arab daripada sekolah rendah ibtidai ke sanawi menenggah di Sultan Zainal Abidin Batu Buruk – kedua dua nya cemerlang.
Selama lebeh kurang 3 tahun kami bergantung kapada bantuan kewangan dari  arwah Abang Ahmad Shukri – saya, Ab.Rahman dan bapa kami Hj. Ibrahim sebanyak RM250/ sebulan berbagi tiga.

Pada 1963 bantuan tersebut tamat. Dan pada tahun 1964 berhijrah ke K.Lumpur dan tinggal bersama Abang Shamsuddin – dan belajar di Loh Institute dan malam di sekolah Maxwell, sempat menduduki pepereksaan Senior Cambridge Certificate pada tahun 1966 - iaitu pepereksaan terakhir dan kemudian ditukar kapada Malaysia Certificate of Education dan akhirnya Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia SPM.

Saya terpaksa meninggal persekolahan kerana menghadapi masaelah kewangan. Shamsuddin bermasaalah dengan keluarganya dengan tanggong-jawab sebagai seorang bapa kapada empat orang anak di Kuantan dan satu dikampong. Saya terpaksa mencari pekerjaan. Kerja pertama sebagai pelayan pejabat di Commercial Union insurance selama 2 bulan dan kemudian sebagai proof reader kapada penulis Dato' Abdullah Hussain selama tiga bulan dan akhirnya di pej. E.P.F. atau KWSP 1965 sehingga 1980.

Pada 1970, Bt. Besi Dungun syarikat Eastern Mining Metal Company or EMMCO dimana arwah Khalid bekerja di tutup. Dengan penutupan itu saya mengambil keputusan menjeput Zabidah tinggal bersama, disertai dengan anak anak nya Rothiah, Rosli dan Zalina. Dan suaminya Khalid berniaga dengan Abang Shafie di Terengganu. Ketika itu dia sedang mengandong Robita dan kami tinggal di section 14, P.Jaya satelah kawan kawan saya terpaksa keluar. Dan diikuti bersama arwah Siti Aishah, Mohd. Dan Ab.Ghani. 

Di section 14 PJ. Kami menyewa rumah sehingga berpindah ke- rumah sendiri di SS 2/6 satelah saya layak mendapat pinjaman rumah sebagai kaki tanggan EPF.

Mengenangkan dia – Zaibidah sering menghadapi kesukaran bersalin saya buat keputusan mengambil abang Khalid dan bawa ke KL. Dan lahir lah Robita di university hospital.
Khalid mendapat pekerjaan dengan Sy. Guthri di Kelang buat seketika. Dan kemudian dengan United Manufacturers section 16. Dan di hadapan factory U.Manufacturers bertapaklah satu gerai makan diusahakan oleh Zabidah. Saya berulang alik ke pejabat EPF – pagi menghantarnya dan balik mengambilnya dan singgah di pasar Sea Park membeli barang barang untuk persediaan perniagaan keesokkan hari. Satelah beberapa tahun berniga gerai makan, kemudian berniaga membuat kueh-mueh kering saperti buah-hulu dan sebagainya sehingga kehari ini.

Oh ya – lebeh kurang satu tahun lebeh satelah Zabidah berhijrah ke KL dia mula berniaga dipasar malam di PJ old town menjual kain batik dari Terengganu dan kain kain pelikat di ambil dari pemborong jalan Masjid India. Dan waktu itu lah saya dengan kebetulan menemui sahabat bernama Faiz dan dia lah menjual gerai di Jln. Masjid India tetapi tidak lama kerana kedai tersebut bermasaelah.
Tidak boleh dinapikan sesaorang itu memerlukan PELAJARAN dan ianya adalah asas dalam mencari kehidupan yang jitu. Tetapi tampa pelajaran dan dengan pengelaman dan pendedahan yang betul ianya boleh jadi maju. Begitulah dengan  kakak saya Zabidah. Dia seorang yang bekerja kuat dan berminat berniaga, sifat sifat nya bersamaan dengan ibu kami Siti Aminah. Apa yang perlu diberi PENDEDAHAN yang betul dan PENGALAMAN.
Saya membawanya ke KL dan didedahkan dengan keadaan sekitar KL dan PJ. Saya kira kerana itu ia menjadi maju.
Saya tidak boleh bayangkan bagaimana kehidupannya satelah Bt. Besi ditutup dan pulang balik kekampong.
Walau bagaimanapun tidak dipersoal lagi nasib baik menjembelahi nya dan rizeki nya melimpah. Assetsnya sudah mencecah jutaan ringgit. Apa tidaknya! rumah di Kelana Jaya nilainya setengah juta sekarang, di Pandan Maran Kelang RM600/ ribu, apartment Shah Alam RM200/ribu lebeh, Bagan Dalam RM200/ ribu lebeh dan yang terkini di Puncak Perdana tiga tingkat rumah kedai RM600/ ribu lebeh. Harta harta tersebut tidak boleh miliki tampa kerjasama dan pertulunggan anaknya Zalina dan tunjuk-ajar suaminya Dr.Yahya, terutama rumah kedai tiga tingkat Puncak Perdana, rumah perangginan diBagan Dalam dan apartment di Shah Alam. Ini kerana bukan senang mendapat pinjaman dari pehak Bank membiayai pinjaman untuk belian harta harta tersebut. Kerana Bank memerlukan bukti pendapatan peminjam dan jaminan kuat peminjam dan kedua dua Zalina dan suaminya memain peranan penting dalam pembelian harta harta tersebut.
Alhamdullillah hari ini anak anak nya semua berada didalam gulunggan orang orang berada.
Saya mengatakan bernasib baik kerana rumah tersebut di Kelana Jaya pada mulanya saya buat booking RM500/ ia berlaku pada hari saya menerima gaji dan terbaca berita projek rumah di Taman Subang, ketika itu namanya T.Subang, akan dibina oleh PKNS – tetapi terbuka kapada pembeli yang berkahwin sahaja dengan harga RM18,000, tetapi bila waktu tanda tangan perjanjian jual - beli ianya naik RM26,500/. Jadi saya ambil kad pengenalan arwah Khalid dan dengan serta merta buat booking dengen tujuan untuk menjual booking. Kerana waktu itu banyak orang membuat duit dengan hanya menjual booking di antara RM2,000 – RM4,000 bergantung pada tempat dan harga. Satelah berfikir panjang saya membuat keputusan meminta kakak Zabidah memulang balik RM500/ kapada saya dan teruskan beliannya. Saya bujang dan tidak banyak berfikir tentang akan datang “Futures”– dapat duit belanja dan joli itu sahaja yang saya kenal ketika itu. Balik rumah pukul satu dua malam melihat anak anak saudara dan adik adik berkelempanggan tidur, dan ini menguatkan azam saya memberikannya.Kenyataan ini bukan mahu unkit mengukit, dan itulah factornya. Harap jangan tersilap anggapan.

Oh satu flat dewan bandar raya di pinggir Bangsar kita dapat satu dan saya sempat tinggal disana dan dasar DBKL sama PKNS - orang orang bujan tidak layak memiliki. Oleh kerana tuan punya nama Khalid tidak menduduki - DBKL ambil balik.
Walau bagai mana pun hidup saya dengan kakak saya bagai aur dengan tebing ketika kami hidup bersama selama 10 tahun – saya sendiri tidak boleh maju tampanya dan begitu juga dia. Dan anak anaknya diantara anak sauadar yang saya sayang dan kaseh sekali, -  maklumlah lama hidup bersama.
Perkara yang menjadi renunggan saya hingga hari kenapa adik beradik lelaki berakhir dengan zero asset "kosong" pada hal abang Shamsuddin pada tahun 1964 sebagai senior draftman dengan Conzinc Riotinto sudah bergaji RM1000/ lebeh tampa kelulusan apa apa pun not even LCE atau SRP hanya dengan penggalaman, dan dia waktu itu membawa kereta sunbeam alphine open air. Zaman itu gaji kerani kerajaan scalenya RM137.50 dan di bank RM220/ all-in. Apa kah nasib keturunan rizeki memain peranan??? Memang tidak dinapikan pengaruh keturunan bermain peranan besar dalam hidup kita. Rasullullah berpesan salah satunya KETURUNAN, bila kita memilih judoh, “Bapak Burek Anak Rintek” Ini kerana ayah saya sendiri bila meninggal dunia tiada sekeping bidang tanah pun tinggal – pada hal waktu muda arwah di antara terbanyak harta di Kampung. Dan Abang Ahmad Shukri sendiri pun tidak banyak peninggalan nya, pada hal berpendapatan RM25/ ribu satu bulan.
Apa kah rahsia mu ya Allah??
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MY BRIEF BIOGRAPHY For my children.

MY BRIEF BIOGRAPHY For my children.
Born 7th Jan. 1946 (declared by oath or sumpah by my father) during Japanese occupation. My actual birth date remains unknown. My birth certificate had not been traceble. Most possibly it was not reported. I'm the 6th in the family of 10 with the same mother Siti Aminah and father Hj. Ibrahim. 
And 5 others with different mothers - Mok Da and Siti Hawa - by my father's subsequent marriages after the death of Siti Aminah. #1 – The late Dr. Ahmad Shukri. (2 – The late Shafie. (3 - Shamsuddin. (4 - Zainun. (5 - Zabidah. (6 - Abdullah. (7 - Ab.Rahamn. (8 – The late Siti Aishah. (9 - Mohammad. (10 - Ab.Ghani. (11 - Zulkifli. (12 – The late Rahimah. (13 - Sabariah (14 - Mashita and (15 - Sulaiman. My parents were uneducated and deepened only in islamic religious knowledge.

My mother passed away in 1955 and I was nine. I did not get the time to know her. 
But imprinted in me are the values she imparted, the intigerity that he insisted upon, 
above all, yes above all, including her family. What stood out for me was that in almost every conversation I had about her, the qualities they always referenced were her values.

We lived in dilapidated house in the jungle of Kampung Pak Madah. Our lives at that time was just unimmaginable and virtually beyond our dreams. Perhaps it can possibly be compared with that of Somalia remote village as seen in the TV.
The worst time was during raining season (south east moonson) One incident that still remains fresh in my mind happened in my childhood days was– one day I plucked some beans (kacang hijau) planted by my father to sell it at pasar Bt. Payong three kilometers away for just less than RM1/ by cycling in the muddy road with the old bicycle, and on the way it developed into some mechanicle problem. I cursed myself to God in frustration as if the God directly gave me the problem. As I was taught too deep in religion and it was then my belief to the extent that everything happened in life was caused and given by the God and which it had got nothing to do with human errors, mistakes and stupidity. 
I'm not disputing the God's wills and His power.

My first school was Sekolah Rakyat Simpang Rawai – as it was then known. Before the class started,  the pupils had to wash and clean the cow dungs or droppings in the classroom as the cows had night sleep therein. The teachers could not even think and had no idea at all crossing their minds as how to avoid it. Today it was so easy to find woods, and available almost everywhere by doing the fencing. This itself showed the lack proper and practical education and clieanliness knowledge, and exposure to healthy living and plus their stupidity. THE CLEANLINESS IS PART OF IMAN.

My mother passed away in 1955 by giving birth to Ab.Ghani. She was unable to release the KEBUNI, and excessive blood was out. Medically it is only trivial matter in the treatment by today’s medical technology. And even in the traditional treatment, the Chaines treated it by way of drinking saltish water. But my belief then was that the supreme spirit of evils or satan possessed it, as in my Kampung then there were quite a lot of Satan possesed and nurtured by old Kampung folks. And to them the spirit of(satan) would help them prolonging their life and would give them ability to treat and cure mysterious illnesses. In some cases it was beyond medical science.

The same year 1955 I moved to Bukit Besi, Dungun to stay with brothers. Bt.Besi was then autonomous district, as it was separately governed by the state and by the company - Western Tin Mine Company – EMMCO –Eastern Mining Metal Co. Ltd. - the biggest mininng company in Asia and in fact among the largest in the world. Its administration was not directly under the state of Terengganu, the state earned the biggest revenue and it was then the biggest source of income for the state, then only followed by the present oil revenues- Petronas.
It was quite sizeble town by itself with modern facilities like cinamas, provision stores, clubs, schools and etc. I had my early exposure to modern living in B.Besi. Many of the top company's executives were British and locals were from outside Terengganu. We lived in bachelors quaters and close to the company's zoo. It was a multi- racial community with majority were local Malays.

1958 I returned to K.Terengganu to continue my studies by joining arabic school – Sultan Zainal Abidin for five over years and stayed in Pulau Rusa with Tok Su - the present Dr. Muin's grandma for more than a year. We were cycling to school daily more than ten kilometors to K.Trg. Then I shifted to Paya Bunga for a year and staying with the family of ustaz Hj.Ibrahim Helmy - the present unc. Dr. A.Shukri's parent in-law.  I was then in one room together with their son Ab.Rahman the footballer.

Then shifting to Ladang school hostel for over three years. Here I started studying English in the afternoon in the same school, then furthering in the Sekolah Sultan sulaiman Further Education classes in the evening. I sat for my Lower Certificate of education or LCE in 1963, which was then converted to today’s similar SRP, and the same year sitting for the primary to secondary or Ibtidae to Sanawi Arabic Examination and got through both with excellent result.

For almost three years – me, bro. Ab.Rahman and our father received financial support from unc. the late Dr. Ahmad Shukri in the sum of RM250/p.m. equally devided, and ended it in 1963 as he was furthering his studies in London completing his Phd. Every month I collected it from the late Pak Lah Yunan in K.Terengganu and in turn uncle sent it in the equel sum to his son in Cairo as he was then studying at Al Azhar university. At that time it was difficult to remit monies to overseas - the banking system was not like today – eletronic system by clicking only.

They have five children: 1 – Dr. Nasser email – 2 – Dr. Khalid - 3 – Dr. Nadiah Phd. 4 – Naila - 5 –Dr. Hani . They're all Saudi citizen living in Jeddah S.A. I encourage you to communicate with them so as not to loose contact and relationship, as they're our blood relationship.

1964 I came to K.Lumpur to stay with uncle Shamsuddin with the intention of furthering my studies as it was then no financial assistance to continue in Terengganu, even after managing three classes of Afternoon English Class by charging RMI/ per head with my peers like the late Datuk Awang Jabar and Sulaiman Majid just to sustain our living. It was then extremely inadequate to continue my studies.

As Unc. Sham had his own family problem with four children then,  The circumstances forced me to look for job and my first job was as office boy with Commercial Union Insurance Co. Ltd. lasting only two months and immediately followed by second job as Proof Reader to the writer Dato’ Abdullah Hussein for three months. Then landed with my third job in the clerical service in the EPF or KWSP from 1965 – 1980.
In the course of my daily work I continued my studies in the evening and managed to sit for my Senior Cambridge Certificate in1966 which was the last Cambridge Certificate Exam, and then thereafter converted to Malaysia Certificate of Education or MCE until 1977 convertion to SPM. And your mom Rohani sat the last MCE exam 1977. The result was not as good as expected due the pressures of work and time constraints.

My real working life started as a clerk in the EPF with big ambition.Those days the EPF was fully managed by non Bumis headed by a Chinese Mr. Lee Siow Mong and an Indian was his deputy Mr.Stanley. Majority of top post were Chines and Indians, and majority of the Malays holding lower post like clerks, gardeners and cleaners, considered third class. The highest post was held by one Malay - grade 11 officer as it was then known, and it was equivalent little bit above senior clerk today. There was no propects at all for the Malays for promotion untill Dr. Mahathir took the helm of the government administration in 1981. In fact he revolutionised the new economic policy for bumiputra, and for that matter Malaysia as a whole. And there was slight improvement in the stuff recruitment under Tun Hussein On when he put number two man Enc. Don Karto as deputy. 
Only after the 13th May tragedy it slowly and gradually sweeping changes took place, AND as a result The New Economic Policy was born.  
The EPF is biggest financial institution in the country with nearly RM500/ billions over for investment today. The fact that he managed to prop up the ringgit against the dollar during our economic melt-down in 1997 by mobilising and leveraging the funds from the EPF with success. And on the other hand his deputy Annuar Ibrahim was clamouring to borrow from IMF “International Monetary Fund” headed by American and the West, who Mahathir has never been compatible and confortable with. Ringgit was then stopped floating in the internationl market trading or foreign exchang trading “FOREX”. 
At this time the name George Soros's name started becoming coffee shop talk or at the people's lips as he is wellknown international currency trader and donor – as he was earning easy money. 
Through currency trading you can kill any country in their economies by manipulating its currency if their central bank reserve is not strong. You need billions of capital to trade.
All the four major currencies euro dollar, yen, sterling and duez mark are traded against US dollar. With slight movement of its trading either upwards or downwards it affects the currency value. I was involved in the FOREX only for three months in 1987 as it was illegal and the firm that I worked was not licensed by bank Negara.

That's about EPF and a bit about politics and FOREX. In the EPF, I mixed and be friended with wrong company or groups, and as a result I became victim of circumstances and ended my job in the EPF by deciplinary commitee.

In 1968 I took bro. Ab.Rahman and bro. Mohd. And the late Siti Aishah to stay with me together. Ab.Rahman got his first job in MARA colledge Jln. Othman PJ and followed by bro. Mohd. also with UiTM, and she was with Lam Soon Factory PJ. She died in Mecca when unc. Ahmad was posted to Taipei.

Then came Malaysia's dark days “MAY 13” and the year 1969.It was in fact a Malay revolution. Since then the whole country was changed drastically, particularly in the government administration machinery such as its policies,goals and etc. with new economic policy.
I supposed to join the proccession organised by UMNO youth headed by the late Dato' Harun in Kg.Baru K.L. by taking half a day leave from work, but my conscience and feelings were against it. Then I went back to the house at section 14 P.J. and at 7 p.m the same day the curfew was imposed in K.Lumpur, and it was not spread to other parts of the country. But racial feeling was at the peak. And following the tragedy various acts were enacted in paliament to safeguard the peace and racial harmony in the country. That was the biggest tragedy in Malaysian History - “racial violence”.

1970 the worst flood occured in K.L. and It was never happened in KL history before as big as that, as if to wash and clean the human bloods and bones in the aftermath of May 13 tragedy.

The same year Bt.Besi mining was closed down. As a result of its closure I decided to take sister Zubaidah and her children Rothiah, Rosli and Zalina to come to KL. She was then pregnant to Robita. Her husband Khalid was then doing business in Terengganu with uncle Shafie and joined us later. We stayed together in Jln. Lim Seng Garden Sect. 14 PJ. till late 73. During the period we faced hardships and struggling to survive.She worked really hard selling at pasar malam at PJ Old town and opening gerai on the roadside selling food. Thereafter we moved to our own house SS2/6 PJ. when I became eligible for the staff housing loan.

1980 Zaibidah managed to buy her own house in Kelana Jaya and moved in. And It was after I decided to sell the SS2 house. And the same year I got married to your mom Rohani. We both stayed in flat Sri Pahang Bangsar few months, and she was then pregnant to Hanif. She wanted her delivery beside her mother. I then decided to send her to Grik Perak as her family were all living there. I was alone, and decided to go to Tokyo to find new business ventures with friend of mine Raja Salleh. We were in Tokyo for two weeks and managed to seal a deal -  an import recondition car. But somehow it was aborted due to inadequate capital.

On my flight back I transited Taipei Taiwan and stayed almost two weeks with unc. Dr. A.Shukri, he was then Saudi Arabia Cultural Attachee Taiwan. Whilst in Taipei I took the opputunty to search for business partners for joint ventures, but it was so unfortunate having time constraints. I then rushed back to Malaysia after learning that Mama gave birth to Hanif. On my flight back I was overwhelmed with happiness and excitement and I was delirious with joy with the birth of my first son. I named him Hanif and subsequently your grandma or Tok prefixed it Mohd.And after he was three month old I brought back to KL.

In 1981 – 1985 we moved to Taman Tun Dr. Ismail Jalan Burhanuddin Hilmy renting, and Faisal and Annuar were born. Tok joined to stay together with her chidren Rogayah, Zaman,Jamal and Faridah as Grik JKR project leboh raya was about to close down. Tok started her nasi lemak business and it was quite profitable. And Che' Ngah had her first love at first sight with Ramli and eventually they were married and blesssed with the daughter Atikah. The marriage ceremony was held at Seberang Takir.

1985 Tok returned to Terengganu for good and we shifted to Kelana Jaya behind the present Giant Supermarket. At Kelana Jaya Naemah was born by caesarean at the university hospital PJ on the chrismas day.

1988 we shifted to our own house Rampai Court Taman Sri Rampai, Setapak. Hanif and Faisal were schooling at SRK T. S. Rampai and Anwar was at SRK Ayer Panas Setapak.
1991 shifting to Sri Kinabalu Condo after the Rampai Court was auctioned off due to my inability to service the bank housing loan, and at the time I was only self-employed doing real estate agency - selling properties.

1994 the tragedy struck me in a road accident in front of Sogo while crossing the road which resulted in the fracture of my right leg and brain bleeding, Then as a result I was taken unconscious and hospitalised.
Subsequently we moved to Taman Mayang staying together with bro. Mohd's family temporarily for few months.
1994 mama decided to return to Terengganu to stay with Tok as transient. And I decided staying back alone seeking work with the thought of bringing the family back. Somehow the luck had not been with me and my life had no improvement despite the struggle and daily prayers to God which led me to the thought “You can never go against the fate and you can't fight against the tide” I then had to accept the fate and the God's will. And ultimately by 1996 I had to leave KL and went back to Terengganu for good.
We rented the double story house at Seberang Takir till 1999. and mama started doing cake business for the local market. Towards the end of 1999 I managed to build the house at Kg.Pak Madah with the the money received from the insurance company as compensation to my 1994 road accident injury after a series of court proceedings and plus the funds from my EPF saving.
On 22nd Feb 2000 another tragedy struck me – the stroke that paralised my right leg. Today this haemorraghic stroke has not been fully recovered. And it seems I have to live with it for the rest of my life.

Being the father of five children I constantly and consistently praying to God - ALLAH almighty that all my children would be blessed with quality education and good careers in future life.

The following are some of the extracts or quotes
taken in the course of my involvement online or internet:

Did you know? In Chinese the word "crisis" is
composed of two characters, one represents danger,
and the other represents opportunity.

Because although we have no control over the event - we have every control over our response.
Every outcome we experience in our life - is a direct result - of how we RESPOND to that event.

Don't expect others to do something you wouldn't
be willing to do yourself.

"Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass...
it's about learning how to dance in the rain!"
I thought...that's it! We all face adversity in our life. However, it's not the adversity, but how we react to it that will determine the joy and happiness in our life. During tough times, do we spend too much time feeling sorry for ourselves, or, can we, with gratitude...learn how to dance in the rain?

It almost sounds too simple to feel important, but one word...gratitude, can change your attitude, thus, your life, forever. Sarah Breathnach said it best...
"When we choose not to focus on what is missing from our lives but are grateful for the abundance that's present....we experience heaven on earth."

Your attitude is part of the reason for the failure. This is? supposed to be used as one part of a larger picture to improve an organization.

Try smile & move

Abdullah Ibrahim   Date: 17th Sept 2012.
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